(Kant's phenomenal and noumenal realms of knowledge; Christianity's views of the soul and the body, and the natural and the supernatural).
Many people enjoy the way wet clothing looks when molded to the body, as well as the way the clothing feels against the body when wet.
The first five Unions involve focusing on co-ordination of the Body, Heart, Intention, Chi, Spirit, and Movement.
European Court of Human Rights | Human Rights Watch | human | Human sexuality | United States Department of Health and Human Services | Human swimming | Human | The Human League | European Convention on Human Rights | The Body Shop | Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development | Human Genome Project | Human migration | Human leukocyte antigen | Human skull | Universal Declaration of Human Rights | human trafficking | Human Rights Campaign | body double | Human Torch | Human resources | human eye | Nazi human experimentation | Human settlement | Human head | Quasi-judicial body | Human Target | Human Development Index | Jennifer's Body | Inter-American Court of Human Rights |
The Inner Life of the Cell is an 8.5-minute 3D computer graphics animation illustrating the molecular mechanisms that occur when a white blood cell in the blood vessels of the human body is activated by inflammation (Leukocyte extravasation).
The MakeHuman project uses Aqsis to produce realistic renderings of the human body.
First published in 1714 by Giovanni Maria Lancisi, and again in 1744 by Cajetan Petrioli, and again in 1744 by Bernhard Siegfried Albinus, and subsequently at Bonn in 1790, the engravings show that Eustachius had dissected with the greatest care and diligence, and taken the utmost pains to give just views of the shape, size, and relative position of the organs of the human body.
Durvasa told his to go to Vaigai and pray Lord Alagar to get out of his curse and get back his human body.
Christian corporatism is a societal, economic, or a modern political application of the Christian doctrine of Paul of Tarsus in I Corinthians 12:12-31 where Paul speaks of an organic form of politics and society where all people and components are functionally united, like the human body.
In contrast to Rachel Whiteread's procedure of making positive volumes out of negative space, Chromy constructs a negative space out of a solid volume: the human body.
On April 21, 2001, Brown appeared on ESPN as an expert on g-force loading on the human body that led to the cancellation of the Firestone Firehawk 600 CART race.
In 1766 he published a doctoral dissertation with the Latin title De planetarum influxu in corpus humanum (On the Influence of the Planets on the Human Body), which discussed the influence of the Moon and the planets on the human body and on disease.
Frieder Kempe is a German scientist who designed a special metallic fabric called Farabloc that shields the human body from immediate shifts in the Earth's electromagnetic field.
The stage setting imitated an operating room, and an ECG Monitor or an anatomical model of the human body, etc. were arranged on the stage, and the synthesizer and the drum set were laid on operating tables.
Translation of Julius Vogel's Pathological Anatomy of the Human Body (1 vol., 1847).
George Döring Ludwig, M.D. (January 4, 1922 – November 24, 1973) was an American professor of medicine and medical researcher noted for developing the first application of ultrasound to the human body for medical purposes, at the Naval Medical Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, in the late 1940s.
Glutamine, the most abundant naturally occurring amino acid in the human body
He was motivated to make the trips by an interest in how the human body and mind respond to survival at sea, a theme which the Kon-Tiki (1947) and Alain Bombard (1952) explored in earlier ocean voyages.
Human microbiome, the ecosystem of microorganisms that inhabit the human body
IFIT proteins (Interferon Induced proteins with Tetratricopeptide repeats) are produced in human body that are supposed to confer immunity against viral infection.
His twin sister Kripi married Drona, the weapons master to the court - who, like her and her brother, had not been gestated in a womb, but outside the human body.
Anthropologist Marcel Jousse identifies a close linkage between rhythm and breathing patterns, gestures and the bilateral symmetry of the human body in several ancient verse traditions.
Body proportions, in art, are the study of relation of human body parts to each other and the whole
The Solid Muldoon was a supposedly prehistoric "petrified human body" unearthed in 1877, at a spot now known as Muldoon Hill, near Beulah, Colorado.
He uses the analogy of the biome of the human body, having more bacterial than human cells, but depending upon millions of other organisms, each pursuing their own interest, but nevertheless weaving a co-operative web.
Waist, the narrow point of the human body between the ribcage and hips
Intervisual Books, his company, created pop-up books of all varieties—from The Human Body to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.