
unusual facts about humourist


Bernard Braden Reads Stephen Leacock

John Drainie was another performer noted for his similar one-man show as Canadian humourist Stephen Leacock.

Charles Bénézit

He was a friend and publishing collaborator in Brittany of the young Leconte de Lisle, two years his junior, and the humourist N. Mille in Brittany.

Henry Pellatt

One of his nieces, Beatrix Hamilton, was married to Canadian economist and humourist Stephen Leacock.

Manuel Vázquez Montalbán

Manuel Vázquez Montalbán (Barcelona, July 27, 1939 – Bangkok, October 18, 2003) was a prolific Spanish writer: journalist, novelist, poet, essayist, anthologue, prologist, humourist, critic, as well as a gastronome.


Wallace Reyburn (1913–2001), New Zealand-born humourist author, rugby writer and creator of urban legends

S. B. Khanthan

Khanthan was introduced to humour through decades of association with friend and humourist, Shri Crazy Mohan and to basics of Visual Communication through cinematographer, P. C. Sreeram.

Sarah Torgov

She is the daughter of noted Canadian humourist and novelist Morley Torgov and played the cello in high school.

Yan Friis

Friis also works as a humourist in NRK P1, where he since 1996 has been a co-host at the popular radio program Herreavdelingen together with Finn Bjelke.

see also