
4 unusual facts about iframe

Dojo Toolkit

Dojo provides an abstracted wrapper (dojo.xhr) around various web browsers' implementations of XMLHttpRequest, and dojo.io also supports other transports (such as hidden IFrames) and a variety of data formats.

DoubleClick for Publishers by Google

Each time this page is visited, the JavaScript code creates an IFrame, DFP decides which campaign wins and deliver the creative to the IFrame.

Dynamic web page

The scripting also allows use of remote scripting, a technique by which the DHTML page requests additional information from a server, using a hidden Frame, XMLHttpRequests, or a Web service.


The server will then generate web shop integration HTML code, either as an external link to the customized FlickRocket web shop on the FlickRocket web server or as HTML for usage within an IFrame embedded in another web site.


IFrame | iframe |

see also