
unusual facts about illiterate


1880 in poetry

Bahinabai Chaudhari बहिणाबाई चौधरी (died 1951), illiterate, Indian, Marathi-language poet whose son wrote down her poems for her

Alaide Gualberta Beccari

Women writers in Italy were rare at the time, as most women were illiterate in Italy, and only a handful of other women were writing and producing plays in Italy during the period; Luisa Marenco-Martini-Bernardi, Irma Meladny Scodnik, and Amelia Rosselli were other women playwrights during this era in Italy.

Antonio Pelle

As an illiterate shepherd he rambled the desolate Aspromonte mountains around San Luca, Platì and Careri.

El ministro y yo

Mateo Melgarejo (played by Mario Moreno "Cantinflas") is a notary public and scribe for the illiterate people of Santo Domingo, a neighborhood north of Mexico City's Zócalo.

First Crusade

It is commonly believed that Peter led a massive group of untrained and illiterate peasants who did not even have any idea where Jerusalem was, but indeed there were many knights among the peasants, including Walter Sans Avoir, who was lieutenant to Peter and led a separate army.

Illiterate popes

Ludwig von Pastor has shown that Pope Julius II (1503-1513) was not illiterate, although he is poetically referred to as such by Desiderius Erasmus.

Pope Zephyrinus (199-217); St. Hippolytus of Rome wrote "Pope Zephyrinus was illiterate" (Hippol. p. 284, ed. Miller).

Jacobo Árbenz

After graduating, he served a stint as a junior officer at Fort San José in the capital Guatemala City and later under "an illiterate Colonel" in a small garrison in the village of San Juan Sacatepéquez.

Jean-Vital Jammes

Ismaël was born Jean-Vital Jammes, the son of an illiterate tailor in Le Passage near the town of Agen.

Josh Malsiyani

He was born in a poor family in the Aquilpur locality of Malsian, a small town near Jalandhar which town was the domain of Bedi Family till Sir Kalim Singh Bedi’s migration to Rawalpindi in the 19th century A.D. Josh’s father, who mostly lived in Peshawar, was an illiterate small-trader.

Literacy in the United States

Jonathan Kozol, in his book Illiterate America, suggests that the very high figures of literacy may be due to poor methodology.

Lost Nigger Gold Mine

According to the legend, in 1887 four brothers in Dryden, Texas—Frank, Jim, John, and Lee Reagan—hired an illiterate Seminole man named William Kelly to help with work on their ranch.

Nikolai Vlasik

In the memoirs of Stalin’s daughter, Svetlana Allilueva, she characterizes Vlasik as an "illiterate, silly, rough and extremely impudent despot".

Popular Movement for the Liberation of Chad

Expelled, Abdel Rahmane, a semi-illiterate Kanembu, recruited some following among his people and became active around Lake Chad, in the Kanem area.

Professor Bobo

He was revealed to be illiterate (which may apply only to English and not the ape language), and in episode #820: Space Mutiny, he inadvertently obstructed Pearl's attempts to free the "Mads" from captivity in Neronian Rome, and starts the Great Fire of Rome by knocking over a lamp in his haste to steal a wheel of cheese.

Third Dynasty of Ur

Akkad's primacy instead seems to have been usurped by Gutian invaders from the Zagros, whose kings ruled in Mesopotamia for an indeterminate period (124 years according to some copies of the kinglist, only 25 according to others.) An illiterate and nomadic people, their rule was not conducive to agriculture, nor record-keeping, and by the time they were expelled, the region was crippled by severe famine and skyrocketing grain prices.


His wife Ragini (Madhoo) is illiterate; Yeshwant wants her to learn to read so that she may join the Indian Administrative Service (IAS).

see also