
unusual facts about imago

The Best of Manila Sound: Hopia Mani Popcorn 2

The album is composed of 14 tracks, all in Tagalog, and performed by Giniling Festival, Imago, Juan Pablo Dream, Melany, Swissy, Session Road, Chilitees, Brownman Revival, Pedicab, Color It Red, Blue Ketchup, After Image and Cueshe.

George Bowering

When the Indian Hungryalist, also known as Hungry generation, poet Malay Roy Choudhury, was arrested at Kolkata, India, Bowering brought out a special issue of Imago for helping the Indian poet in his trial.

Imaginal disc

An imaginal disc is one of the parts of a holometabolous insect larva that will become a portion of the outside of the adult insect during the pupal transformation.

Linda Carroll

In the nineties, she and her veterinarian husband, Tim Barraud, began to teach a couples course based on the Imago work of Harville Hendrix, the PAIRS training of Dr. Lori Gordon, and their own insights, study, and practices.

Lisa Wilcox

In 2009, she starred in the thriller film Imago under the direction of Chris Warren, alongside actors such as Natalie Jones, Danielle Jones, Melanie Donihoo, Parrish Randall and Debbie Rochon.

Mastotermes electromexicus

The amber specimens, a soldier, an imago and twelve nymphs are currently housed in the fossil collection of the University of California, Berkeley in Berkeley, California.

Robert Still

However, he kept this interest and formed the London Imago Society in 1956, along with his friend, painter Adrian Stokes.


Scythrididae adults are smallish to mid-sized moths, which when at rest appear teardrop-shaped.

Umbra et Imago

From the beginning, Umbra et Imago have been a concept band picking up Sigmund Freud's idea that sexuality was the center of our being.

see also