These duties were Marck's chief occupation till 1789, apart from them, having married in 1776, Marck led an agreeable life, alternately at Raismes, his country residence near Valenciennes, and at Versailles, where his rank and position gave him the means of observing all that was passing, which he appears to have noted with care and tolerable impartiality.
Although an opponent of Catholic emancipation, Daniel O'Connell gave Talbot credit for his impartiality and Lord Cloncurry called him 'an honourable, high-minded gentleman'.
His strict impartiality as a magistrate is commemorated by the ‘apostle of the Peak,’ William Bagshaw.
In August 2013, the Reverend Akuila Yabaki, Chief Executive Officer of CCF, one the partners in the region, received a sentence of three months imprisonment, suspended for twelve months, concerning the reprinting of an article quoting a 2011 report by the UK Law Society Charity, Fiji: The Rule of Law Lost, in which questions were raised over the impartiality of Fiji's judiciary.
According to proponents such as James Fearon, another strength of deliberative democratic models is that they tend, more than any other model, to generate ideal conditions of impartiality, rationality and knowledge of the relevant facts.
Despite the severity of its punishments, Pereira extols the impartiality of the Ming judicial system, with its tradition of exemplary officials such as Judge Bao.
In recent years, a former State's member Mr Stuart Syvret has argued in legal proceedings in England and Jersey that all members of the Jersey judiciary lack the appearance of independence and impartiality.
They were accused by Burke (and later by Macaulay) of committing judicial murder; but Sir James Stephen, who examined the trial in detail, states that the indictment for forgery arose in the ordinary course, was not brought forward by Hastings, and that Impey conducted the trial with fairness and impartiality.
: Democratic legitimacy: impartiality, reflexivity, proximit, translated by Arthur Goldhammer, Princeton University Press, Princeton 2011, ISBN 978-0-691-14948-6
Writing in Slate Magazine, Judith Shulevitz reported that not only does Fish openly proclaim himself "unprincipled" but also rejects wholesale the concepts of "fairness, impartiality, reasonableness."