Has made a number of prominent documentaries including Meeting A Milestone (on Ustad Bismillah Khan), Beyond the Himalayas, Land of Sand Dunes, Ray (On Satyajit Ray), Impermanence (On HH Dalai Lama) Made numerous AD films, corporate and other Short Films.
The Hōjōki describes the turmoil of the period in terms of the Buddhist concepts of impermanence and the vanity of human projects.
Others dissent by historical evidence that points in the opposing direction claiming the impermanence of the systems brought on by dictators like Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong which are remembered in having fared more by despotism than government system and thereby typifying the exertion of "rule of man" within their reigns.
Some of the poems also focus on Zen Buddhist philosophical ideals like impermanence and non-attachment.