Speaker | Speaker of the United States House of Representatives | Speaker (politics) | speaker | Speaker of the New York State Assembly | Speaker of the House of Representatives | speaker (politics) | Speaker of the House of Keys | Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines | Leslie speaker | Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives | Speaker of the New Zealand House of Representatives | Speaker of the National Assembly of South Africa | Speaker of the National Assembly | Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut | Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives | William Stourton (speaker) | Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives | Speaker of the Parliament of Sweden | Speaker of the Parliament of Sri Lanka | Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives | Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island | Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba | Speaker of the House of Representatives (Fiji) | The Silent Speaker | Speaker pro tempore of the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico | Speaker of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly | Speaker of the Senate | Speaker of the Saeima | Speaker of the People's Assembly of Abkhazia |
D-Naff is also a motivational and inspirational speaker and has visited more than 15 schools in Namibia including the University of Namibia, Windhoek College of Education, Ongwediva College of Education and the Polytechnic of Namibia.
Other famous members include U. S. Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Connor, former Miss America and actress Lee Meriwether, United States Astronaut Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger, inspirational speaker Jill Kinmont, actress Shauna McLean Tompkins, florist to the Presidents Lynn Lary McLean, AIFD, and Senior Consultant/Constitutional Law of the Canadian Department of Justice Luanne Walton.
Recipients include: Rwandan author and genocide survivor Immaculée Ilibagiza (2010); Ambassador Mary Ann Glendon (2011); author and inspirational speaker Liz Murray (2012) and former First Lady Laura Bush (2013).
Rushnell also tours as an inspirational speaker, for, among others, Habitat for Humanity.
Louis Zamperini (born 1917), American Olympic distance runner, US Air Forces Captain and inspirational speaker