
unusual facts about interconnection


Birdnest wiring - Electronic interconnection used for prototyping and high frequency applications

Communications system

In telecommunication, a communications system is a collection of individual communications networks, transmission systems, relay stations, tributary stations, and data terminal equipment (DTE) usually capable of interconnection and interoperation to form an integrated whole.

CT Connect

The initial CTI software from Digital Equipment supported only VAX computers running the VMS operating system both as the server providing the telephone system interconnection and as application clients.

Customer-premises equipment

With the gradual breakup of the Bell monopoly, starting with Hush-A-Phone v. United States 1956, which allowed some non-Bell owned equipment to be connected to the network (a process called interconnection), equipment on customers' premises became increasingly owned by customers, not the telco.

Inter-network processors

Inter-network processors are special-purpose processors which aid in the interconnection of telecommunications networks.

Jacqueline Quinn

With a strong interconnection to the world of the arts, Quinn's clients are numerous and include Hannah Storm, Rachael Ray, Darryn Zimmer and Sarah, Duchess of York,.

Network-to-network interface

Basically, NNI is used for interconnection of P Routers (class 4 or higher provider core) in signaling or GMPLS networks.

In GMPLS case, that could be Back-to-Back or EBGP or mixed NNI connection scenarios, depending on what type of VRF exchange is used for interconnection.

Soft error

Boron has been used in BPSG, the insulator in the interconnection layers of integrated circuits, particularly in the lowest one.

see also