
unusual facts about interferometry


Holophonics is a binaural recording system created by Hugo Zuccarelli that is based on the claim that the human auditory system acts as an interferometer.

Artur Ekert

His subsequent work with John Rarity and Paul Tapster, from the Defence Research Agency (DRA) in Malvern, resulted in the proof-of-principle experimental quantum key distribution, introducing parametric down-conversion, phase encoding and quantum interferometry into the repertoire of cryptography.

Astronomical interferometer

D. Monnier, Optical interferometry in astronomy, Reports on Progress in Physics, 66, 789-857, 2003 IoP.

Astronomy departments in the University of Cambridge

The Cavendish Astrophysics Group, concentrating on radio and submillimetre observations and instrumentation, observational cosmology and all aspects of astronomical interferometry, and operating the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory.

Extremely large telescope

The Very Large Telescope, of the European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile, is also of note, with 4 × 8.2 m, 4 × 1.8, and 1 × 2.61, all on separate mounts but in one building for interferometry.

Fiber optic sensor

Optical fibers can be made into interferometric sensors such as fiber optic gyroscopes, which are used in the Boeing 767 and in some car models (for navigation purposes).

Karl Meissner

On 9 April 1959, Meissner sailed from New York City for Europe to visit his sister and niece, visit the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (International Bureau of Weights and Measures), teach in the summer semester at the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, and attend an interferometry conference in London.

Radio astronomy

The difficulty in achieving high resolutions with single radio telescopes led to radio interferometry, developed by British radio astronomer Martin Ryle and Australian engineer, radiophysicist, and radio astronomer Joseph Lade Pawsey and Ruby Payne-Scott in 1946.

see also