
unusual facts about interrogator


Claud Stokes

Somewhat ironically, his daughter, Margaret, would marry a German living in South Africa, Hanns Scharff who, after being stranded back in Germany due to the outbreak of the Second World War, wound up becoming famous as the chief interrogator for the German Luftwaffe, responsible for interrogating important prisoners, such as fighter aces.

John E. Dolibois

He graduated from Miami University and served in the United States Army during World War II where he was an interrogator during the Nuremberg Trials and became acquainted with many of the most significant Nazi war criminals.

Kolau Nadiradze

Nevertheless, in the purge of 1937, Nadiradze was arrested along with the fellow symbolist writer Sergo Kldiashvili, but both of them were saved only by chance: their NKVD interrogator was himself arrested and the files mislaid.

Stephen Cambone

Cambone first came to the attention of the public at large during the testimony of Major General Antonio Taguba before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, where he disputed the General's statement that prison guards were under the effective control of military intelligence personnel and interrogators.

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