
unusual facts about intertidal

Abarenicola pacifica

pacifica is found in the intertidal and subtidal zones round the coasts of North America between Alaska and northern California and in Japanese waters.

Alaksen National Wildlife Area

In addition to the cultivated crops, the site is vegetated by various grasses in the farmland; cattails, Lyngbye's sedge, and bulrushes in the intertidal zone; and Red alder, willows and Black cottonwood, along with snowberry, salmonberry, and blackberries in the wooded areas.


A few species are found in the ocean depths, but most prefer low intertidal zones and subtidal waters among eelgrass, hydroids and bryozoans.

Ciliopagurus galzini

It is common in the shallow intertidal waters of the Tuamotus.

Corner Inlet

Containing the most extensive intertidal mudflats in Victoria, it supports over 1% of the world populations of Chestnut Teal, Far Eastern Curlew, Red-necked Stint, Pied and Sooty Oystercatchers and the Hooded Plover.

Dana Point State Marine Conservation Area

It provides protection of intertidal invertebrate species such as Kellet's whelks, top shells, limpets and sea cucumbers and abalone while allowing lobster and urchin and finfish take.

Ecological facilitation

A similar interaction occurs between the red alga Chondrus crispus and the canopy-forming seaweed Fucus in intertidal sites of southern New England, USA.


nov. isolated by Rodríguez Blanco et al. in 2010 from intertidal sediments of the ria of Corcubión (Galicia, Spain).

Ghost shrimp

Thalassinidea, crustaceans which live in deep burrows in the intertidal zone.

Ischnochiton lineolatus

Ischnochiton lineolatus, commonly known as the Lined Ischnochiton is a species of chiton in the Ischnochiton genus that lives under rocks in the intertidal waters of southern and south-western Australia, from Bass Strait to the central west coast.

Rhodes, New South Wales

There is a health-based ban in Sydney Harbour (including the Parramatta River and Homebush and Brays Bays near Rhodes) on the taking of all intertidal organisms such as oysters and pipis.

Scribbled nudibranch

Around the southern African coast it is found from the Atlantic side of the Cape Peninsula to Sodwana Bay, from the intertidal to at least 30 m.

Sexual coercion

Females of the marine intertidal periwinkle species (genus Littorina) have another way to avoid males.

Urticina crassicornis

In the Pacific Ocean, Urticina crassicornis ranges from intertidal and subtidal zones of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska to Monterey, California.

Yelland Stone Rows

The stone row constitutes one of the most important megaliths in the British Isles due to its location in the intertidal zone of the River Taw and cannot be matched anywhere else in the British Isles with the possible exception of two stones located in the intertidal zone at Er Lannic, Brittany, although these cannot be reliably identified as belonging to a stone row.

see also