Their general intonation is strong and brown, and effects are rendered in a powerful key, but the execution is much more uniform than that of Jacob Ruisdael.
18th-century music historian Charles Burney praised his "depth, power, mellowness and peculiar accuracy of intonation in hitting distant intervals".
David B. Doty, (born 1950), American composer and authority on just intonation
He contributed poems to many émigré publications, and his first collection, Moikh tysyachiletii My millennia, appeared in 1925 and was "well received for its Biblical intonation and verbal vibrancy"; his second, published in 1928, was reviewed sympathetically by Vladimir Nabokov, who praised its "energetic verses" but complained about lapses of taste.
South Asian English phonology is highly variable; stress, rhythm and intonation are generally different from those of native varieties.
Michel Geiss, :fr:Christian Braut and Philippe Monsire built the Semantic Daniélou, a 36-tone (out of 53 just intonation notes listed in the book "Sémantique Musicale" by Alain Daniélou) electronic instrument, on behalf of the author, using staggered square key button keyboards from two Cavagnolo Midy 20 master keyboards, where each parallel row of keys offers a transposition by one comma.
This note is often corrected to 16:9 on the natural horn in just intonation or Pythagorean tunings, but the pure seventh harmonic was used in pieces including Britten's Serenade for tenor, horn and strings.
He was the informant who provided sounding material to the pioneering linguistic study of Haugen and Joos in 1952, called Tone and Intonation in East Norwegian.
Bikol Naga has a distinct see-saw intonation reminiscent of Hiligaynon or Waray while Bikol Legazpi has a flat intonation and is said to be spoken rapidly.
Her early research focused on prosody and the development of the Tones and Boundary Indexes (ToBI) system of intonation transcription.
On the song by Radiohead "Like Spinning Plates", Thom Yorke actually sings the first verse voiced and sounded out backwards, and then the final cut of the album studio version has that superimposed back-masked as the first verse of the song so it would be cognizant as being sung forward to the listener, albeit with unnatural intonation and inflection apparent in his voice.
In addition to the minimal units that can serve the purpose of differentiating meaning (the phonemes), phonology studies how sounds alternate, i.e. replace one another in different forms of the same morpheme (allomorphs), as well as, for example, syllable structure, stress, feature geometry, accent, and intonation.
In Christianity, on Ash Wednesday, ashes of burnt palm leaves and fronds left over from Palm Sunday, mixed with olive oil, are applied in a cross-form on the forehead of the believer as a reminder of his inevitable physical death, with the intonation: "Dust thou art, and to dust will return" from Genesis 3:19 in the Old Testament.
Preliminary research has shown that Rioplatense Spanish, and particularly the speech of the city of Buenos Aires, has intonation patterns that resemble those of Italian dialects on Naples and that area, and differ markedly from the patterns of other forms of Spanish.
The Kvens were then gradually assimilated into the Westrobothnian speaking society and the Finnish presence can be felt in the falling intonation of speakers from especially Luleå and Kalix, there are also several loan words of Finnish origin among the fishing terms used in dialects from Kalix to Byske.