
unusual facts about ippon


Cécile Hane

Unfortunately, she lost the first preliminary round match to Venezuela's Ysis Barreto, who successfully scored an ippon (full point) and a seoi nage (shoulder throw), at one minute and forty-seven seconds.

Dave Hazard

At the 2006 Shobu Ippon international competition at Guildford Spectrum a five-man ASK kumite team, all from Kihaku Dojo, won the inter federation team fight, and the federation has placed high in the Shobu-ippon medal table in subsequent years.

Gulzat Uralbayeva

Unfortunately, she lost the first preliminary match to United States' Valerie Gotay, who successfully scored an ippon and a te gatame (hand arm lock), at one minute and forty-six seconds.

Janelle Shepherd

She defeated Italy's Michela Torrenti, and Germany's Sandra Köppen in the preliminary rounds, before losing out the quarterfinal match to Cuba's Idalys Ortiz, by an ippon (full point) and an okuri eri jime (sliding lapel strangle).

Jeon Ki-Young

In his march to the gold, Jeon won every match by ippon, except the 1st round match against the Dutch judoka Mark Huizinga, who would go on to dominate the weight once Jeon himself retired.

Patrick Trezise

He was defeated in his first match by Argentina's Diego Rosati, who successfully scored an ippon and a seoi-nage (shoulder throw), at fifty-three seconds.

see also