
unusual facts about isolationist


Air War Plans Division

Opponents of the policy included a powerful supporter of the isolationist America First Committee, Senator Burton K. Wheeler.

Directo USA

For example, in December 2010 Secretary General of the Organization of American States José Miguel Insulza appeared, discussing how isolationist laws in individual Latin American nations can negatively affect economic cooperation between nations.

Fred R. Zimmerman

He was attacked as a member of America First, but he denied membership therein, although he generally followed the isolationist position.

History of North Dakota

Republican Senator Asle Gronna was reflected the attitudes of his region - progressive and isolationist.


The Ludlow Amendment, introduced several times to the House of Representatives by Louis Ludlow of Indiana between 1935 and 1940 during an era of heightened isolationist tendencies, proposed an amendment to the Constitution that would require a national referendum to declare war, except in the case of invasion and attack.

Japanese naval codes

In June 1942 the Chicago Tribune, run by isolationist Col. Robert R. McCormick, published an article that implied that the United States had broken the Japanese codes.

Los Angeles Free Music Society

Their influence is seen most immediately in other Pacific-coast "isolationist" experimentalists like Caroliner Rainbow, Sun City Girls, and The Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, as well as Japanese noise projects like Hanatarash, Hijokaidan, and Incapacitants.

Petite Nevis

A small isolationist community called Moonhole on nearby Bequia scavenges whale bones from the island for building materials.

SS Robin Moor

In Congress, isolationist Senator Burton K. Wheeler claimed that 70 percent of the ship's cargo constituted the kind of materials meeting the German and British standards for contraband, defended the legality of Germany's right to destroy her, and characterized Roosevelt's message as an effort to bring the United States into the war.

World peace

The Japanese Shogun Tokugawa initiated the Edo Period, an isolationist period where Japan cut itself off from the world as a whole.

Zeitgeist: The Movie

In Tablet Magazine, journalist Michelle Goldberg criticized Zeitgeist: The Movie as being "steeped in far-right, isolationist, and covertly anti-Semitic conspiracy theories," and called the Zeitgeist Movement "the world's first Internet-based cult, with members who parrot the party line with cheerful, rote fidelity."

see also