The Encyclopædia of Ball Juggling | Juggling club | Charlie Dancey's Encyclopædia of Ball Juggling | Beat juggling |
Carole and her sister, Lindsey (Gabrielle Fitzpatrick), do not approve of him juggling time between two families, which leads to Christian being told he is no longer allowed to visit.
JugglingLife, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to inspire and emotionally heal disadvantaged children through juggling.
Eric Bellocq accompanies Dominique Visse with the jazz pianist François Couturier in recitals of music ranging from Machaut to Berio; and with the juggler Vincent de Lavenère has created the staged show Le chant des balles - an encounter of early music, improvisation and juggling.
The performance mantle has, however been passed on to their son Andrew Van Buren, a multi-talented performer who is recognised as the top expert in Variety specialising in the family trade of magic & illusions, also mixing in circus skills of juggling, unicycling, escapology & plate spinning, he keeps the Van Buren flag flying high over entertainment venues all over the world with his illusion spectaculars & is one of the worlds top platespinner experts.
She was also a focus of Tami Gold's documentary Juggling Gender and Circus Amok has been the subject of numerous documentary films.
Keepie uppie, or "kick-ups" is the skill of juggling with a football using feet, lower legs, knees, chest, shoulders, and head, without allowing the ball to hit the ground.
The earliest known use of limelight at a public performance was outdoors, over Herne Bay Pier, Kent, on the night of 3 October 1836 to illuminate a juggling performance by magician Ching Lau Lauro.
Niihama is home to the national headquarters of the Otedama no Kai (お手玉の会, Traditional Japanese Juggling Association).
They opened their first full show at the Battersea Arts Centre as part of the London International Mime Festival in January 1985 their first theatres show 'Juggling With A Social Conscience'.
You will see amazing tricks on a single wheel from World champion unicyclist Kaleigh Grainger; comedy, juggling and high-wire walking from Harley the Clown; as well as Walker's own daring feats of escapology and classic sideshow stunts all accompanied by live music from fiddler Ed Wright and guitarist Stu Dench
In 2003, after several years of juggling his educational and radio commitments, Clifford attempted to make a move into politics, nominating as a Christian Democratic Party candidate for the New South Wales Legislative Council at the 2003 state election.
Fatboy Slim commissioned comedian and juggler Chris Bliss to perform to the song in front of a life theatre audience for a music video.
In one case, the world-record breaking juggler Luke Burrage persuaded Dancey to include an article on squeezes (the opposite of multiplexes).