The industries under this Group include Textiles, Basic Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Jute, Marine Foods, Real Estate and Development.
For centuries, jute has been an integral part of the culture of East Bengal, in the entire southwest of Bangladesh.
To meet this demand, some manufactures in the natural fiber industry plan to modernize processing with the Rieter's Elitex system.
Likewise, the Lugbara of Northwestern Uganda eat the leaves as soup, locally called pala bi.
Jute rags, soaked, slivered into pieces, dried, powdered, and mixed with saw dust and tamarind seed paste is made into kitta.
It was a prominent businessplace (Jute, Bua (Beetlenuts), Rice etc. and a host of small scale industries) and centre of culture in Darrang district but due to violent agitation by Bodos and Bodo insurgency since past 20 years, its glory had suffered badly.
The fibres used for making the fabric are of high tenacity like Jute, Glass Fibre, Kevlar, Polypropylene, Polyamides (Nylon) etc.
The Nizam Guaranteed State Railway Workers' Union, the B. N. Railway Labour Union, the jute farmers of Nellimarla, the workers at the Buckingham and Carnatic Mills, the International Transport Workers Federation, British Trade Union Congress, Railway Clerks Association, National Union of Railways of Great Britain and the International Federation of Trade Unions contributed enormous amounts of money for the strike relief fund.
A gunny sack, also known as a "gunny shoe," is an inexpensive bag made of burlap usually formed from jute or other natural fibers, although modern sacks are often made from polypropylene; the "gunny" portion of the name ultimately descends from Sanskrit guṇa, "thread"/"fiber," by way of imperial British corruption of that word's descendants in later Indian languages.
Sir James Key Caird (1837–1916), jute baron and philanthropist, sponsored Ernest Shackleton's Endurance Expedition
He was Chairman of the family firm, Jardine Henderson of Calcutta (closely related to Jardines of Hong Kong), from 1963 to 1967, Chairman of the Indian Jute Mills Association in 1963 and President of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 1966.
Shukla was born in Howrah, West Bengal, India and did his schooling at Shree Hanumaan Jute Mill Hindi High School and the Don Bosco High & Technical School, Liluah.
Started labour movement and strike in Jute Mill in Biratnagar which was led by Late Girija Prasad Koirala, the ex-Prime Minister and the ex-Party President.
Omkar Goswami holds a Master's in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University in 1978; and in 1982 he received the doctor of philosophy in Economics from Oxford University for the thesis: "The jute economy of Bengal, 1900-1947: unequal interaction between the industrial, trading and agricultural sectors" under supervision of Tapan Raychaudhuri, the eminent Indian historian.
He designed the power station that supplied energy to Biratnagar Jute Mill, Biratnagar.
The main character is Tabitha Jute, a space pilot from Luna and owner of the starship Alice Liddell.
On "Burning Ground" the singer relives a common scene from his childhood when jute was shipped to Belfast from India.