
unusual facts about king of Dublin


Sitric, according to the annalist Tigernach, had gone over the sea in 1035, probably for the sake of religious retirement, leaving his nephew as king of Dublin in his place.


He and his family left Norway and fled westwards across the sea, to Scotland, then Ireland, where he married off his daughter, Aud the Deep-Minded, to Olaf the White, king of Dublin.

see also

Godred Crovan

Irish annals record that this Gofraid was subject to the Irish King of Dublin, Murchad son of Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó of the Uí Cheinnselaig.

Sitric Cáech

Sitric's son, Amlaíb Cuarán, aka Óláf Sigtryggsson later succeeded him both as king of Dublin and of York and married the infamous Gormflaith, who was later married to Brian Boru, High King of Ireland.