
unusual facts about kurultai


Ili River Treaty

A leading role in the conflict and ensuing war played Ezgil leader Kül-erkin, who initiated and participated in summoning the most important officials of the state to a kurultai to demote the Kagan Terish and to raise Yukuk-shad as a Supreme Kagan.


Because Tarmarshirin preferred to dwell in cities of Transoxiana, Tarmashirin was accused of abandoning the traditional Mongol code of conduct, Yassa, and was deposed in the horde's annual kurultai.

Wenceslaus I of Bohemia

When Subutai heard in 1242 that Grand Khan Ögedei had died the previous year, the Mongol army retreated eastward, because Subutai had three princes of the blood in his command and Genghis Khan had made clear that all descendants of the Khagan (Grand Khan) should return to the Mongol capital of Karakorum for the kurultai which would elect the next Khagan.

see also