He received his laurea degree in physics from the University of Trieste, Italy, with a thesis titled “Binary Galaxies in the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) Redshift Survey.”
However, it is now established that there is just a unique five-year degree "Laurea Magistrale Quinquennale" (Five-Year Master of Arts) for programmes such as Law (Facoltà di Giurisprudenza), Arts (Accademia di Belle Arti) and Music (Conservatorio di Musica).
The vita of Breton Saint Winwaloe describes Budoc as a teacher living on the island of Laurea.
However, it is now established that there is just a unique five-year degree "Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico" (Single cycle master's degree) for programmes such as Law (Facoltà di Giurisprudenza), Arts (Accademia di Belle Arti) and Music (Conservatorio di Musica).
He received the October Prize for Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Science (Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1990), the Gold Medal for achievements in Science and Technology (Crete, 1999), and Laurea Honoris Causa (Milan, Italy, 2001).
He received his laurea in Roman Archaeology at the University of Siena, and a doctorate at the University of Pisa, under the supervision of Andrea Carandini.
He holds a Laurea Degree, cum laude, in Computer Science from the University of Pisa, Italy.
He gained the Laurea ad Honorem at University of Oxford in 1971, and was candidated also for the Nobel Prize.
However, there is just a unique five-year degree "Laurea Magistrale Quinquennale" (Five-Year Master of Arts) for some programmes such as Law (Facoltà di Giurisprudenza), Arts (Accademia di Belle Arti) and Music (Conservatorio di Musica).
Marcolli obtained her Laurea in Physics in 1993 summa cum laude from the University of Milan under the supervision of Renzo Piccinini, with a thesis on Classes of self equivalences of fibre bundles.
In 1949 the University of Padova conferred to her the laurea "honorary" and in 2005 the Italian President Ciampi awarded her the "Medaglia d'oro al merito civile".
Graduated from the University of Naples with a "laurea" in history (1901) and again from the University of Rome in philosophy (1906), Carabellese taught philosophy in Palermo, Sicily (1922–1929) and in Rome (1929–1948), marrying in 1936.
He gained a laurea in philosophy from the University of Pisa with a dissertation on Leonardo Valazzana, precursor of the Augustinian order and opponent of Girolamo Savonarola.
Born in Sassuolo, Italy, Lusoli grew up in Fiorano Modenese, Italy and earned a Laurea in Political Science and from the University of Bologna, a Master's degree in European Political Systems and Cultures from the University of Bologna and the Network Europaeum, and a PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science.