
unusual facts about lead poisoning


Lead poisoning of children born to workers, or those who were exposed to the lead dust created by sifting, climbed.


The Latin term "bellon" is a disused name for the condition now known as lead colic

Developmental toxicity

Typical factors causing developmental toxicity are radiation, infections (e.g. rubella), maternal metabolic imbalances (e.g. alcoholism, diabetes, folic acid deficiency), drugs (e.g. anticancer drugs, tetracyclines, many hormones, thalidomide), and environmental chemicals (e.g. mercury, lead, dioxins, PBDEs, HBCD, tobacco smoke).

Fundred Dollar Bill Project

The Fundred Dollar Bill Project is a nationwide art project implemented by Mel Chin, and is aimed to connect and represent the voices of children across the United States, with the end goal to propose a funding solution for the lead contamination in the soil of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Rick Nevin

Rick Nevin is an economic consultant who acts as an adviser to the National Center for Healthy Housing and has worked on the Federal Strategy to eliminate childhood lead poisoning.

see also

James Cranstoun, 8th Lord Cranstoun

He was appointed Governor of Grenada in 1796 but before taking up his appointment he died at Bishop's Waltham on 22 September that year, as a result of lead-poisoning in cider.

National Center for Healthy Housing

Rick Nevin, an advisor to the center, has published research claiming to demonstrate a strong link between childhood lead poisoning and later violent crime, demonstrated by a drop in crime statistics following the elimination of lead from gasoline.