
unusual facts about legality

Abrahams Commission

When the legality of the Certificates of Claim system was challenged in 1903 on the basis that the agreements made by the chiefs breached the rights of their community members, the Appeals Court upheld their validity.

Adolph A. Hoehling, Jr.

On August 21, 1923, Hoehling re-administered the oath of office to Calvin Coolidge following the death of Harding in order to resolve possible questions over the legality of a state justice of the peace (Coolidge's father) administering the presidential oath of office.

An Act respecting the exercise of the fundamental rights and prerogatives of the Québec people and the Québec State

In August 2007, three justices of the Quebec Court of Appeal unanimously held that Keith Henderson, former Leader of the English-language rights group, the Equality Party, has standing to challenge the legality of the statute, which Quebec Superior Court has dubbed "Bill 99" in the absence of a short title for this particular statute.

Bryan Pape

his challenge to the constitutional legality of the Kevin Rudd Government's proposed $7.7 billion tax bonus payments as part of the $42 billion economic stimulus package in the High Court of Australia.

Caesar Antoine

Plessy's action ultimately led to the Plessy v. Ferguson decision by the United States Supreme Court, which affirmed the legality of "separate-but-equal" facilities.

Driffield Navigation

Since the Commissioners could not agree to this, as they were inquorate, the legality of this action is unknown.

Gonzales v. Carhart

According to an ABC News poll, the majority of Americans (69%) oppose the legality of D&X or what opponents call "partial-birth" abortion.

Harry Schneider

:"passionate citizenship for his leadership, dedication and groundbreaking work defending Salim Hamdan. Schneider's pro bono representation of Hamdan, the first detainee to receive a trial, has laid the groundwork for others to challenge the legality of their indefinite imprisonment. Schneider's landmark work exemplifies our Constitution's guarantee of due process and fundamental fairness, even for society's most unpopular individuals."


Jyrki Kasvi, member of Finnish Parliament, also questioned the legality of censoring lapsiporno.info, noting that according to Finnish law, only websites hosted outside Finland can be added to the filtering list, and reminded that the Minister of Transport and Communications, Susanna Huovinen, who lobbied for the law, had emphasized openness and transparency.

Marriage license

From this date, a marriage was only legally valid, if it followed the calling of banns in church or the obtaining of a license—the only exceptions being Jewish and Quaker marriages, whose legality was also recognized.

Maseko v Maseko

heard in the Witwatersrand Local Division by Lazarus AJ from 22 to 25 October, 1990, with judgment handed down on 16 November, is an important case in South African contract law, with its stipulation, on the question of legality, that contracts designed to mislead creditors are immoral and against public policy.

Native Trust Land

However, when the legality of the Certificates of Claim system was challenged in 1903 on the basis that the agreements made by the chiefs breached the rights of their community members, the Appeals Court upheld the validity of the certificates, ruling that that title arose from a grant by the Crown’s representative, not from any agreements made by the chiefs.

Principality of Marlborough

The principality came into being when farmer George Muirhead, facing the possibility of the repossession of his properties - Kierawonga & Indicus - by the Commonwealth Bank, challenged the legality of their bills of exchange in the Queensland Supreme Court.

R v Davidson

In 1979, however, there was a motion in the Australian House of Representatives from Stephen Lusher to end medical benefits for terminations, and the debate spilled over to the legality of abortion.

Ranulph Crewe

After the impeachment in 1641 of the judges who had affirmed the legality of Ship money, Denzil Holles moved the House of Lords to petition the king to compensate Crewe, who seems to have passed the rest of his days in retirement, partly in London, and partly at his seat, Crewe Hall, Barthomley, Cheshire, built by him upon an estate said to have belonged to his ancestors, which he purchased from Coke in 1608.

Robert Monson

For questioning the legality of the sentence passed on John Stubbs for his pamphlet against the French match he was committed to the Fleet in November 1579.

Rye by-election, 1903

The press expected questions to be put to the Attorney General on the legality or otherwise of this practice.

Simon de Gunby

A Papal mandate of 3 March 1244, from Pope Innocent IV authorized the Bishop of Caithness (Gilbert de Moravia) and one Martin, clerk of the papal camera, to inquire about the legality of the election and if appropriate confirm and consecrate Simon.

SS Robin Moor

In Congress, isolationist Senator Burton K. Wheeler claimed that 70 percent of the ship's cargo constituted the kind of materials meeting the German and British standards for contraband, defended the legality of Germany's right to destroy her, and characterized Roosevelt's message as an effort to bring the United States into the war.

Targeted Killing in International Law

Targeted Killing in International Law is a book about the legality of targeted killing, written by Nils Melzer.

United States Intelligence Community Oversight

Congressional oversight focuses on the supervising of the budget, quality of analysis, legality of actions, and intelligence failures.

United States v. Alvarez-Machain

Despite vigorous protests from the Mexican government, Álvarez was tried in United States District Court in Los Angeles; the trial, in which his defense focused intensely on the legality of the arrest, resulted in an acquittal.

United Toilers of America

In late 1921 and early 1922 a faction began to develop within the Communist Party of America which was upset with the direction the party was taking regarding legality and the creation of the "above ground" Workers Party of America.

William Puffer

However, he did not join Rutherford in supporting a 1913 Conservative motion of non-confidence against the government, which decried Sifton's handling of the A&GWR issue; instead, Puffer read a statement on behalf of several representatives saying that, while Rutherford's concerns were legitimate, it was premature to pass final judgment until the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council had ruled on the legality of the government's plan.

see also