
unusual facts about lesbians

'S Up

Eddie's other purchases also turn out to be innocent - "Big Jugs" is a history of Victorian pottery and "Swedish Lesbians in Blackcurrant Jam" turns out to be "Swedish Legends in Blackcurrant Jam Making".

Bob Hattoy

According to James Carville, investigators for federal special prosecutor Kenneth Starr repeatedly questioned Hattoy in April 1997 if he had helped place gays and lesbians in prominent positions in the Clinton administration.

Chris Buttars

In a January 2009 interview with openly gay documentary filmmaker Reed Cowan, for the documentary 8: The Mormon Proposition, Buttars said that gays and lesbians were "the greatest threat to America going down," comparing members of the LGBT community to radical Muslims.

David Wilshire

One evening, the BBC's Six O'Clock News headlines were disrupted by shouts of "Stop Clause 28!" and when the clause was debated in the Lords, protesting lesbians abseiled from the public gallery down to the floor of the House.

Eric Alva

In February 2007, he joined Democratic Rep. Marty Meehan of Massachusetts and a bipartisan group of House members when they reintroduced the Military Readiness Enhancement Act, legislation that would repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" (DADT) policy regarding service in the U.S. armed forces on the part of gays and lesbians.

Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance

The Alliance collaborates extensively with many organizations, including the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gay Men, ENLACE (a gay Latino activism group), Log Cabin Republicans, Gays and Lesbians Opposing Violence, and the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League.

High Tech Gays v. Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office

In 1987, the District Court determined that laws that treat homosexuals as a class must be reviewed under the federal courts' heightened scrutiny standard because homosexuals are a "quasi-suspect class", noting that Bowers v. Hardwick held that only that "under the due process clause lesbians and gay men have no fundamental right to engage in sodomy".

Holmes v. California National Guard

Andrew Holmes v. California National Guard, 124 F.3d 1126 (9th Cir. 1998) was a federal court case heard by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, that upheld the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that restricted service by gays and lesbians in the California National Guard of the United States.

Kappa Alpha Lambda

During her second year of attendance at Clark Atlanta University, the founder became interested in forming a Sisterhood for lesbians.

Kids on TV

Kids on TV's version features Maggie MacDonald (of the bands The Hidden Cameras and Republic of Safety) as well as samples from the song "All Women Are Bitches" by Fifth Column, which had originally inspired the Lesbians On Ecstasy song.

Les biches

Among the characters introduced are: The Hostess–– in full party attire with pearl necklace and cigarette holder (originally danced by Nijinska herself); three male athletes; La Garçonne–– a girl dressed in blue velvet with white gloves and tights who dances a duet with one of the athletes, and two young girls whose interactions may lead one to believe they are lesbians.

Lesbian Herstory Archives

Its "Straight to Hell: Twenty Years of Dyke Action Machine!" exhibit explores the history of the Dyke Action Machine! and "Keepin' On" exhibit features African American lesbians.

Lesbians on Ecstasy

In the summer of 2005, the band released their follow-up recording Giggles in the Dark, an LP of Lesbians on Ecstasy remixes by Le Tigre, Scream Club, Tracy and the Plastics, Kids on TV (featuring Maggie MacDonald), 1-Speed Bike, DJ AÏ, Jody Bleyle (formerly of Team Dresch), Katastrophe and Sean Kosa.

Lipstick lesbian

In 1990, the gay newspaper OutWeek covered the Lesbian Ladies Society, a Washington, D.C.–based social group of "feminine lesbians" that required women to wear a dress or skirt to its functions.

Meryl Vladimer

"Lesbians who Kill," written by Deb Margolin in collaboration with Peggy Shaw and Lois Weaver, and "You're Just like My Father", written and created by "Split Britches" Peggy Shaw and Lois Weaver.


The movie is described by Something Weird Video as "Visit the 'Planet of the Rapes' with Captain Mother and her sultry crew of sadistic lesbians in this campy 'peek into the year 2069.'

Speechless: Silencing the Christians

# Vows on the Boardwalk? -- This episode examines the Ocean Grove, New Jersey "Boardwalk Pavilion case", where two lesbians file a complaint against a Methodist association, which refused on religious grounds to allow a same-sex civil union ceremony to be held in a structure which the plaintiffs claimed was public property.

Think of the children

Anita Bryant led a campaign called Save Our Children. By focusing on the idea that gays and lesbians were somehow threatening to children and biblical morality, Bryant created a rhetorical focus which rallied 70% of the vote to repeal the ordinance, removing those civil rights protections.

Zami: A New Spelling of My Name

In Cuernavaca, she meets a lot of independent women, mostly lesbians; she has a relationship with one of them, Eudora, and works in a library.

see also