
unusual facts about lobotomy


History of psychosurgery in the United Kingdom

Transorbital leucotomy (transorbital lobotomy in the US) was a technique invented by Italian psychiatrist Amarro Fiamberti and taken up by American neurologist Walter Freeman, with whose name it is particularly associated.

James Watts

James W. Watts, American neurosurgeon and early pioneer of lobotomy; colleague of Walter Freeman

Lobotomy Software

PowerSlave received enough success to help Lobotomy secure a contract to port the game over to the Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation.

No Prayer for the Dying

It also does not follow the continuity of previous album covers, as Eddie no longer exhibits either his lobotomy or cyborg enhancements.

Souris Valley Mental Health Hospital

Many of the early techniques used by the hospital included insulin therapy, hydrotherapy, lobotomy and electroshock; by 1954 experiments using Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) therapy were done on volunteer staff and eventually applied to patients.

Teenage Lobotomy

Lyrics are about a teenager who had a lobotomy because of the brain damage caused by overexposure to DDT.

see also