The Creoles settled mainly in Belize Town (now Belize City) and along the banks of the Belize River in the original logwood settlements including Burrell Boom, Bermudian Landing, Crooked Tree, Gracie Rock, Rancho Dolores, Flowers Bank, and Belmopan.
Essex, as did the other Captains, held a commission by the Jamaican government that granted them permission to cut logwood in Honduras and left Port Morant in December 1679 with Captain John Coxon, Robert Allison, Thomas Mackett, Jean Rose and a Captain Bournano and rendezvoused at the Isles of Pines near eastern Panama shortly after.
In 1726 Daniel Defoe described a tradesman involved in the "buying of cochineal, indigo, galls, shumach, logwood, fustick, madder, and the like" as both dry-salter and salter.