
unusual facts about machinegun


Albert E. Baesel

Upon hearing that a squad leader of his platoon had been severely wounded while attempting to capture an enemy machinegun nest about 200 yards in advance of the assault line and somewhat to the right, 2d Lt. Baesel requested permission to go to the rescue of the wounded Corporal.

Henry Schauer

Next morning, when shells from a German Mark VI tank and a machinegun only 100 yards distant again forced the patrol to seek cover, Pfc.

John J. Tominac

After smashing the enemy outpost, he led 1 of his squads in the annihilation of a second hostile group defended by mortar, machinegun, automatic pistol, rifle and grenade fire, killing about 30 of the enemy.

Lowell Ordnance Plant

A small run of .30 caliber machinegun ammo was also manufactured for less than a year.


Vektor SS-77, a machinegun manufactured by the South African company Vector

Wilburn K. Ross

On that day, near Saint-Jacques, France, Ross manned a machinegun through repeated German assaults, holding off the enemy even after his supporting riflemen had run out of ammunition.

see also