
unusual facts about mail steamer

J. A. Folger

After a raft and hiking journey across the Isthmus, the brothers waited at Panama City for quite a while before catching the Pacific mail steamer Isthmus on April 10, 1850.

see also

James Murray Mason

While traveling to his post as Confederate envoy to Britain and France, on the British mail steamer RMS Trent, the ship was stopped by USS San Jacinto on November 8, 1861.

Review of Reviews

His essay "How the Mail Steamer Went Down in Mid Atlantic" (1886) is considered his first prediction of the sinking of the RMS Titanic; his novel From the Old World to the New (1892) was the second prediction.

San Antonio-San Diego Mail Line

Birch envisioned that at New Orleans, one could take a five-times-a-week mail steamer to 540 miles to Indianola, Texas.

United Kingdom and the American Civil War

They slipped out of Charleston, South Carolina, on a blockade runner at the beginning of October and went via the British Bahamas to Spanish Havana, where they took passage for England on the British mail steamer Trent.