
unusual facts about mailing lists

Valve Anti-Cheat

During the early testing phase in 2002, some information was revealed about the program via the Half-Life Dedicated Server mailing lists.

see also

Antisec Movement

Movement followers have cited websites such as SecurityFocus, SecuriTeam, Packet Storm, and milw0rm to be targets of their cause, as well as mailing lists like "full-disclosure", "vuln-dev", "vendor-sec" and Bugtraq, as well as public forums and IRC channels.

Frederick Noronha

Together with Partha Pratim Sarkar of Bangladesh, Noronha co-founded BytesForAll, and started IndiaLists.org, an initiative to promote content-relevant mailing lists in India.


The original Listserv software, the Bitnic Listserv (also known as BITNIC LISTSERV) (1984–1986), allowed mailing lists to be implemented on IBM VM mainframes and was developed by Ira Fuchs, Daniel Oberst, and Ricky Hernandez in 1984.


Wiki, mailing lists and BerliOS hosting facilities allow communication between PMB developers and users.

Ryan Lackey

This interest led to attending several conferences (Financial Cryptography 98, various MIT presentations), participating on mailing lists such as "cypherpunks" and "dbs", and eventually implementing patented Chaumian digital cash in an underground library, HINDE, with Ian Goldberg, named after Hinde ten Berge, a Dutch cypherpunk also present at FC98.