
unusual facts about malnutrition

Abandoned child syndrome

Sleep and eating disorders - malnutrition, starvation, disturbed sleep, nightmares.

Brazzaville Zoo

His first documentation came when Jane Goodall visited the zoo in 1990, and saw that Gregoire was suffering from dire malnutrition and severe skin infections.

British Dietetic Association

Mind the Hunger Gap was deemed a great success with much coverage and publicity across the UK, including advising the UL soap Emmerdale on a community malnutrition storyline in early 2013.


Supper Meals - A joint study with Cornell University recently identified 14% of Citymeals’ clients as at risk for malnutrition.

Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children

FIMRC operates a clinic in Las Delicias (near San Salvador) that seeks to treat gastroenteritis, influenza, malaria, measles, pneumonia, and bronchitis, each of which is caused or complicated by the malnutrition, poor sanitation, and poor housing conditions that the children of Las Delicias experience.


In November 2009 FreshGames teamed up with the Action Against Hunger organization to promote the fight against hunger and malnutrition.

Krishna Tirath

In a 2012 meeting with United States Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, Tirath stated her concern for malnutrition among children in India.


Some children under five years old were suffering from Marasmus, caused by malnutrition.

Nutrition in the American Slave System

Due to diseases related to specific nutritional deficiencies in diet, which were prevalent among the American slave population it is possible that the slave victims were fed diets with adequate micro-nutrients but very few calories.

Poverty in Australia

The term 'absolute poverty', when used in this fashion, is usually synonymous with 'extreme poverty': Robert McNamara, the former President of the World Bank, described absolute or extreme poverty as, "...a condition so limited by malnutrition, illiteracy, disease, squalid surroundings, high infant mortality, and low life expectancy as to be beneath any reasonable definition of human decency".

Ruth Brinker

One of Brinker's friends, who had AIDS and corresponding malnutrition, became too weak to cook or leave his home to go grocery shopping.

Shigella dysenteriae

The most commonly observed signs associated with Shigella dysentery include colitis, malnutrition, rectal prolapse, tenesmus, reactive arthritis, and CNS problems.

Thomas McDowell House

McDowell was the son of James McDowell, a native of County Longford in Ireland who was one of the few survivors of a malnutrition-plagued Atlantic crossing in 1729 funded by Charles Clinton, grandfather of future New York State governor DeWitt.

Wolf reintroduction

The wolves were reintroduced to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in the early 90s but the program was cancelled in 1998 due to the death of wolf pups from malnutrition and disease; and the wolves roaming beyond the boundaries of the park.

see also