Some anthropologists, such as Marija Gimbutas, believe matrilineal societies were common among early human societies.
Their influence over coastal Karnataka lasted for about 1000 years.There is evidence that the Alupas followed the law of matrilineal inheritance(Aliyasantana) since the Alupa king Soyideva was succeeded by his nephew Kulasekhara Bankideva(Son of Alupa princess Krishnayitayi and Hoysala Veera Ballala III).
As the Cherokee were a matrilineal culture, the children of Nan-Ye-Hi belonged to her Paint Clan.
Since Heather Botting's initiation by Turner in 1966, the coven has remained matrilineal, with the Bottings' granddaughters Phaydra and Ariadne Gagnon inheriting the athame as high priestesses.
Later in life he was awarded the title Datuk Maradjo Sutan by his matrilineal clan in Minangkabau.
He was a matrilineal descendant of Cecily Neville, Duchess of York, and the mitochondrial DNA descent through which the remains of Richard III of England were identified in 2013 passes through his mother and his sister Charlotte, who married Charles Frere.
The joint family under matrilineal system is known as Tharavad and it formed the nucleus of the society in Malabar.
Following her mother in the Tlingit matrilineal system, she is a member of the Raven moiety of the Tlingit nation, of the Lukaax̱.ádi clan, and of the Shaka Hít or Canoe Prow House, from Alsek River.
Among the Wiradjuri, an Aboriginal people who traditionally lived in New South Wales, Australia, totem clans are divided among two subgroups and corresponding matrilineal moieties.
The Vidunda are a matrilineal ethnic and linguistic group based in Morogoro Region, Tanzania.