
unusual facts about maxilla


In bony fish, amphibians, and reptiles, both maxilla and premaxilla are relatively plate-like bones, forming only the sides of the upper jaw, and part of the face, with the premaxilla also forming the lower boundary of the nostrils.


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The maxilla was discovered around 1845 during the course of a well excavation in Spring Brook in the New London area and its significance was recognized by geologists John William Dawson and Joseph Leidy.

Blunt-snouted dolphin

Blunt-snouted dolphin (Platalearostrum hoekmani, "Albert Hoekman's spoon-rostrum") is a prehistoric pilot whale known from a single specimen (NMR-9991-00005362), consisting of a partial rostrum, partial maxilla, partial premaxilla, and partial vomer.


Stephen Brusatte and Paul Sereno reported a second species of Carcharodontosaurus, found in the Echkar Formation of Niger, differing from C. saharicus in some aspects of the maxilla and braincase.


There are two main categories of dentures, the distinction being whether they are used to replace missing teeth on the mandibular arch or on the maxillary arch.


Diplomystids are the only extant catfish family with teeth on a well-developed maxilla (although this is also true of the extinct genus Hypsidoris).

Dipogon bifasciatus

The generic name, Dipogon, refers to the tufts of forward-pointing bristles on the maxilla of the female the purpose of which is to pack the nest entrance with old spider silk.


Gecatogomphius is known from the holotype PIN 1156/1, a three-dimensionally preserved nearly complete lower jaw found on the bank of the Vyatka River near the town of Gorki in the Kirov Oblast, and from PIN 4310/1 a single maxillary tooth plate from Berezovye Polyanki in Tatarstan.


A cleft palate may form in humans (and other tetrapods) where the tissues that will become the premaxilla and the maxilla fail to join during development.

Orthodontic technology

Facemask or Reverse-pull Headgear is used to control the growth of the maxillary and mandibular bones during orthodontic treatment.


Oxalaia is known from the holotype MN 6117-V, fused premaxillae of a very large individual and from the referred fragment MN 6119-V, an isolated and incomplete left maxilla, which were found on Cajual Island, Maranhão of northeastern Brazil.

Radium jaw

The symptoms are necrosis of the mandible (lower jawbone) and the maxilla (upper jaw) as well as constant bleeding of the gums and (usually) after some time, severe distortion due to bone tumours and porosity of the lower jaw.

Removable partial denture

Kennedy Class I RPDs are fabricated for people who are missing some or all of their posterior teeth on both sides (left and right) in a single arch (either mandibular or maxillary), and there are no teeth posterior to the edentulous area.

Snake skeleton

In rare cases, (Miodon, Polemon) the transverse bone is forked, and articulates with two branches of the maxilla.


Yangchuanosaurus zigongensis is known from four specimens including ZDM 9011 (holotype), a partial postcranial skeleton; ZDM 9012, a left maxilla; ZDM 9013, two teeth and ZDM 9014, a right hind limb.

see also