
unusual facts about mbaqanga

Duck Rock

The Mbaqanga group the Boyoyo Boys took legal action against Mclaren over the similarity of "Double Dutch" with its own hit "Puleng."


Mbaqanga | mbaqanga |

Gumboot dance

The album Graceland by the American pop singer Paul Simon has a song titled "Gumboots", which is performed in the style of South African township jive (mbaqanga) and contains performances by members of the Boyoyo Boys.

Laurie Allan

In 1967 he recorded with Chris McGregor, Dudu Pukwana and others on Gwigwi Mrwebi's Mbaqanga Songs.

Mahlathini and the Mahotella Queens

He found some success recording solo material and also joined forces with the Swazi-mbaqanga group Amaswazi Emvelo to produce some successful mid-1980s recordings.

see also