
unusual facts about mechanism of action


The work of Dale L. Boger and others created a better understanding of the pharmacophore and mechanism of action of the duocarmycins.


Recent research has shown that halomon and a related halogenated monoterpene are inhibitors of the enzyme DNA methyltransferase, suggesting a possible mechanism of action for the pharmacological effects.

see also


Its mechanism of action remains poorly defined however, with GABAergic, NGF and BDNF release promoting, MT1 receptor antagonism, MT3 receptor antagonism, and sigma agonism suggested as potential mechanisms.


A similar form of an intramural calcification, presenting the picture of an early phase of arteriosclerosis, appears to be induced by a number of drugs that have an antiproliferative mechanism of action (Rainer Liedtke 2008).


Especially the mechanism of action of benzo(a)pyrene-related DNA modification is well investigated and relates to the activity of cytochrome P450 subclass 1A1 (CYP1A1).


Christian de Duve, then chairman of the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, had been studying the mechanism of action of a pancreatic hormone insulin in liver cells.

Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing

Methylprednisolone therapy shows some promise in short-term prevention of attacks, even though its mechanism of action is yet to be discovered.

Squid giant axon

In their Nobel Prize-winning work uncovering ionic mechanism of action potentials, Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley performed experiments on the squid giant axon.

Valproic acid

Its mechanism of action includes enhanced neurotransmission of GABA (by inhibiting GABA transaminase, which breaks down GABA).