A colony of this species at Gatorland, Florida, has exhibited what is strongly suspected to be pack-hunting behavior, which may explain the predation of prehistoric megafauna that coexisted with this species such as the giant sloth.
Amongst the megafauna bone layers there is a tooth of a crocodile (Pallimnarchus sp.) that became extinct long before 40,000 years ago (Gillespie and David 2001).
Fireproof Recording is currently located in Los Angeles, California, where Lasus has worked with indie artists Marching Band, Anders Parker, Oliver Future, Army Navy, Matt Keating, Kelli Scarr, The Shivers, Noah And The MegaFauna, Emperor X, The Orbans and Son Of Stan.
Hikers often look out for signs of the island's megafauna, moose and wolves; although scarce and shy, these animals live all about the scrubby woodlands that adjoin the trail.