
unusual facts about mental floss

Maggie Koerth-Baker

Released in 2009, Be Amazing: Glow in the Dark, Control the Weather, Perform Your Own Surgery, Get Out of Jury Duty, Identify a Witch, Colonize a ... Girl, Make a Zombie, Start Your Own Religion is a tongue-in-cheek self-improvement guide written with Will Pearson and Mangesh Hattikudur, the co-founders of Mental Floss.

Mangesh Hattikudur

Mangesh Hattikudur is the co-founder of the American humor magazine mental floss, which he started with Will Pearson when both were students at Duke University.

Will Pearson

William E. Pearson (born 1979) is the co-founder of mental floss, a bi-monthly magazine, which he started with Mangesh Hattikudur when both were students at Duke University.

see also