Sixteen Tons | Metric system | Tons River | United States Metric Board | metric system | Alex Metric | U.S. Metric Association | The Metric Marvels | Performance metric | ''Pennsylvanian'' delivered 325 tons of steel parts for the Hale Telescope | Metric signature | Metric expansion of space | metric expansion of space | Kerr metric | Kantowski-Sachs metric | Gödel metric | Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric | Fisher information metric | 70000 Tons of Metal |
It is 50 kilometers (about 30 miles) long between Kembs and Vogelgrun, and provides access to the region from the Rhine River, Basel in Switzerland, and the North Sea for barges of up to 1,350 metric tons.
Under the Agreed Framework, the DPRK agreed to "freeze" and eventually dismantle its production reactors in return for two proliferation resistant commercial nuclear reactors of the light water type (LWR) and 500,000 metric tonsof heavy fuel oil each year, until the first LWR unit goes into operation.
On the entire chessboard there would be 264 − 1 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 grains of rice, weighing 461,168,602,000 metric tons, which would be a heap of rice larger than Mount Everest.
Boyer currently holds the Guinness World Record for heaviest truck pulled, after he pulled a Kenworth K104 truck weighing 51,840 kg (114,287 lb - 51.84 metric tons) over a level 100 ft (30.48 m) course in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, on 6 March 2005.
Essar Oil owns and operates a petroleum refinery in Vadinar, India's second largest, which has a capacity of 18 million metric tons per annum.
Standing on a lotus-shaped base, it is 6.2 meters tall and weighs 5 metric tons
In 1999, Wolfgang Kraker von Schwarzenfeld arranged the transport of a red stone boulder, weighing about 35 metric tons, from Venezuela's Canaima National Park to Berlin Tiergarten for his "global stone" project.
Rochen has partnered with Green Mountain Energy to purchase 25 metric tons of carbon credits to offset the emissions of Rochen's hosting operations.
The largest single body MVR evaporator built (1968, by Whiting Co., later Swenson Evaporator Co., Harvey, Ill. in Cirò Marina, Italy) was a salt crystallizer, evaporating approximately 400 metric tons per hour of water, featuring an axial-flow compressor (Brown Boveri, later ABB).