
unusual facts about military radio

Vintage amateur radio

Some even sub-specialize in military radio collecting and undertake to restore and operate surplus communications equipment, much of it dating back to World War II, from the ubiquitous US Signal Corps SCR-300 and SCR-536 walkie talkies to exotic gear like the British Paraset, a small espionage transceiver supplied to Resistance forces in France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

see also

Johannes Plendl

It may be noted that Plendl helped Karl-Otto Kiepenheuer establish a Europe-wide network of stations observing the solar activity in order to predict disturbances of the Ionosphere that interrupted the military radio connections.

Los Toreros Muertos

Along with Hombres G, Los Rebeldes, and Mecano, Los Toreros Muertos achieved notable cross-over airplay onto the US military radio stations in Rota (see Naval Station Rota, Spain), Torrejon (now Madrid-Torrejón Airport), and Zaragoza (now Zaragoza Airport) that were part of the AFRTS in Europe in the mid-1980s.

William Roy Piggott

Military radio supervision, however, seized his communications and attributed these erroneously to a manoeuvre in the Russian occupation zone.