
2 unusual facts about minnesang


The following love poem, of unknown authorship, is found in a Latin codex of the 12th century from the Tegernsee monastery.

Pope Urban IV

Tannhäuser, a prominent German Minnesänger and poet, was a contemporary of Pope Urban IV—the pope died in 1264, and the Minnesänger died shortly after 1265.


Minnesang | minnesang |

Hommage а l'amour

It is a compilation of the Medieval tunes from the various styles and manuscripts: songs from Carmina Burana, a rondeau by Adam de la Halles, trouvere and minnesang songs, Italian Trecento ballata by Francesco Landini, a virelai from Llibre Vermell de Montserrat in addition to the istampittas preserved in the manuscript kept under the number MS 29987 in the British Library.

see also