
unusual facts about monetary policy

Arminio Fraga

Fraga has been called the Alan Greenspan of Latin America for his skillful handling of Brazilian monetary policy during his tenure as CBB president.

George de Menil

He specializes in pension reform and monetary policy; and his policy positions reflect a liberal stance on economics, grounded in a mastery of quantitative analysis and a commitment to empirical research.

see also

Bank of Canada

Prime Minister John Diefenbaker central bank monetary policy was directed towards increasing the money supply to cause low interest rates, and have full employment.

Canadian federal election, minor party positions

Monetary policy: The Canadian Action Party promoted a change to monetary policy to allow the Bank of Canada to fund all government debt.

Cardiff Business School

David Blanchflower, Academic and former member of the Monetary Policy Committee at the Bank of England.

Charles Engel

He has since 2008 been a senior fellow at the Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey

(a) political deliberation, particularly in monetary policy making settings (e.g., the United States Congress, the Federal Open Market Committee);

David Daokui Li

Li Daokui is a part of a trio to replace Fan Gang, as academic members to the central bank’s monetary policy committee (PBOC Monetary Policy Committee).

Jordi Galí

His studies with Richard Clarida and Mark Gertler suggest that monetary policy in many countries today resembles the Taylor rule, whereas the policy makers of the 1970s failed to follow the Taylor rule.

National Asset Management Agency

" Professor Willem Buiter, Professor of political economy at the London School of Economics and former member of the UK Monetary Policy Committee, said: the Irish Government should have, in principle, gone for a good bank, not a bad bank.... The bad bank is always a bad idea because it means that the Government underwrites all the creditors and creates moral hazard."

Oregon tax revolt

Others observe that the situation was much more complex, pointing to the loose monetary policy pursued by Alan Greenspan, including adjustments to the CPI that measured homeowners equivalent rent instead of actual home price, a recovering economy in the region, and numerous other factors.

Randall Wright

Wright and Ricardo Lagos (2005) attempt to overcome this shortcoming by proposing a more general, yet still tractable, framework for the analysis of monetary policy.

Summer Palace Dialogue

In 2010 Lou Jiwei, the chairman of the China Investment Corporation and an economist at the Summer Palace Dialogue, said that China should sell its U.S. dollars and diversify its foreign currency holdings if the United States continues its loose monetary policy.

William Joseph McDonough

As president, he served as the vice chairman and a permanent member of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), which formulates U.S. monetary policy.