
unusual facts about morale


Murali, Kaybitsky District, Republic of Tatarstan, a village (selo) in Kaybitsky District of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

A Winner Never Quits

A Winner Never Quits is a 1986 TV movie based on the true story of baseball player Pete Gray, the first one-armed man ever to play major league baseball, hired in 1943 as a "freak attraction" and wartime morale-booster by the Memphis Chicks, Class-A minor league ball club.


Army Bureau of Current Affairs, an organisation set up to educate and raise morale amongst British servicemen in World War II

Airborne leaflet propaganda

James A.C. Brown, a Scottish psychiatrist, summed up the WW2 experience with the observation that "Propaganda is successful only when directed at those who are willing to listen, absorb the information, and if possible act on it, and this happens only when the other side is in a condition of lowered morale and is already losing the campaign".

Archibald Murray

The object was to sustain public morale and, with a compromise peace leaving Germany in control of the Balkans increasingly possible, to capture Aleppo.

Atlanta Campaign

However, the capture of Atlanta made an enormous contribution to Northern morale and was an important factor in the re-election of President Abraham Lincoln.

Battle of Huaiyin–Huai'an

The nationalist victory resulted in a great blow to the morale of the enemy when Huaiyin, the capital of the communist base in central Jiangsu was taken by the advancing nationalists.

Battle of Komarów

After the battle, its Political Commissars, Joseph Stalin and Kliment Voroshilov, failed to control the men in their command: with morale and discipline at a low point, robbery and violence by the 'Red Cossacks' against the civilian population became commonplace.

Battle of Rakshasbhuvan

To boost the morale of his army, on the advice of his Diwan (who was once considered one of wise men in Peshwa reign) Vithal Sundar Pratapwant, the son of Sundar Narayan, who had built the Kala Ram temple at Nasik (Historian Ninad Bedekar mentions Vithal Sundars surname as "Parshurami") he declared Inams and Jagirs to many warriors who had deserted the Marathas and had joined with him to replace his warriors who were killed at Udgir.

Battle of Sahart

These lifted the morale of the restive Christian Ethiopians, and upon arriving in Semien, he was surrounded by the apostates and others who had joined the Imam who sought his clemency.

Battle of the Nedumkotta

The death of the Dutch-born Commander Valiya-kappitan Eustachius De Lannoy in 1777 further diminished the morale of the soldiers.

Camborne Hill

On 11 September 2001, Rick Rescorla, a chief security officer at the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York, originally from Hayle and a rugby man, sang Cornish rugby songs on his megaphone to keep morale high as he was evacuating over 2,000 employees of Morgan Stanley from the WTC's Second Tower.

Campaigns of World War II

After initial heavy losses and inaccurate bombings, RAF Bomber Command air raids against German military targets evolved to adopt nighttime attacks as their primary tactic in conjunction with a strategy of area bombardment against Nazi Germany morale.

Dudley Dean

The play was intended as a morale booster and fundraiser for the Army Emergency Relief Fund.

Elmer Blaney Harris

He went to work for the Food Board under Herbert Hoover, but sick of working with Graham flour, he took a new position as civil aide to the commander in charge of amusements and morale at Camp Bowie, Texas as a dramatic director with the Fosdick Commission.

Equine recipients of the Dickin Medal

Mounted patrols were stationed throughout London to aid in controlling traffic and improve the morale of Londoners during the frequent German V-1 and V-2 bombing raids that wracked the city during the early to mid-1940s.

Étienne de Silhouette

He translated into French several works by Alexander Pope, Henry Bolingbroke, William Warburton's The Alliance between Church and State, (1736) as Dissertations sur l'Union de la Religion, de la Morale, et de la Politique (1742) and Baltasar Gracián's El político.

Francesco Cancellieri

Thomas Adolphus Trollope wrote a summary of his biography, which had been extracted were published by a Giuseppe Beraldi in a series called Memorie di religione, di morale, e di letteratura.

Frederick Keel

During World War I, Keel was held in the civilian internment camp at Ruhleben in Germany, where he played an active role in the camp's musical life, giving many recitals to help boost the morale of his fellow detainees.

God Bless the USA

It reached No. 7 on the Billboard magazine Hot Country Singles chart when originally released in the spring of 1984, and was played at the 1984 Republican National Convention with President Ronald Reagan and first lady Nancy Reagan in attendance, but the song gained greater prominence during the Gulf War in 1990 and 1991, as a way of boosting morale.

Godwin Abbe

At a meeting of Commonwealth Heads of Government in Kampala, Uganda in November 2007, Abbe met British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and asked for assistance in restructuring the police force, which was suffering from low morale due to poor welfare, inadequate training and lack of vital work tools.

Guillaume de Felice

He became a pastor at the Reformed Church of Bolbec, in Normandy Seine-Maritime, then a professor of theology in Montauban, occupying the chair 'de morale et d'éloquence sacrée' (of morality and holy speech).

Hamako Watanabe

She was sent to China during the Second Sino-Japanese War to raise morale among the troops, and visited many locations in Japanese-occupied China.


While used in Hollywood and in common usage among upper ranks in an effort to raise morale, many lower enlisted find its use to be irritating, especially when it comes from soldiers they perceive as sycophantic towards the chain of command or the armed services in general.

Humanist Canada

Dr. Robert Buckman (president emeritus), author of several books on improving patient care and morale; a media figure, his television programs included Magic or Medicine? and Human Wildlife, and has acted with the Monty Python comedy troupe.

James K. Marshall

Marshall had the brigade's Moravian band perform for the men to heighten their morale after the first day's carnage.

Jeffrey Pelehac

In recognition of Pelehac's contribution to Academy morale, he was given a challenge coin by General Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Jim Gerlach

Res. 63 which disapproved of The Surge, he said it was meaningless, fundamentally vague and would damage troop morale.

John Honeyman

Making his way back to Trenton, he told the Hessian commander, Colonel Johann Rall, of his capture and reported that the Continental Army was in such a low state of morale that they would not attack Trenton.

London Can Take It!

Joseph Goebbels is quoted as saying that the bombings are having a great effect on British morale.

National Jewish Welfare Board

In 1941, in a response to a mandate from President Franklin D. Roosevelt, six private organizations - the YMCA, YWCA, the National Jewish Welfare Board, the Traveler's Aid Association and the Salvation Army were challenged to handle the on-leave morale and recreational needs for members of the Armed Forces.

Oktoberfest of Blumenau

The Oktoberfest of Blumenau was created at 1984, after a big flooding of Itajaí-Açu river, with the objective of recuperating the city's economy and raising the morale of its inhabitants.

Operation Undergo

Morale of the isolated troops was low, they were susceptible to Allied propaganda; many were "Volksdeutsche" (ethnic Germans born in foreign countries), and "Hiwis" (foreign volunteers).

Philippine Benevolent Missionaries Association

Members are frequently reminded to follow the laws of God, particularly the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) and the Christian Golden Rule (Luke 6:31); the laws of the government or society where they belong, and observe the highest morale by denouncing all forms of vices and by propagating virtues.


He made morale boosting visits locally during his time here, an example being Marco in Grantham - a picture appears on the "Manthorpe News" website.

Robin Jackson

According to journalist and author Ed Moloney the UVF campaign in Mid Ulster "indisputably shattered Republican morale".

Second Battle of Lexington

Its overall importance, however, was not nearly so marked as the first battle, which had cemented Southern control of the Missouri Valley and significantly raised Confederate morale in the region.

Second Battle of Sacket's Harbor

While Prevost reorganised his command and attempted to raise the morale of the militia and civil authorities, Yeo hastened the completion of the new sloop of war Wolfe and the refitting of several other armed vessels (although much of the work had already been accomplished by three officers, Commanders Robert Heriot Barclay, Robert Finnis and Daniel Pring, who had been detached from the naval establishment at Halifax, Nova Scotia).

Selva morale e spirituale

The first three works are morale madrigals on poems in Italian by Francesco Petrarca and Angelo Grillo.

SS James B. Stephens

The Boatswain, Edward F. Racine, was later awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for righting the overturned motor lifeboat, rescuing several other men from the water, and then helping to keep morale up whilst awaiting rescue.

The Norconian Resort Supreme

Actress Kay Francis was in charge of hospital morale, and she saw to it that many of the stars who frequented the resort now entertained the patients; including The Three Stooges, the Marx Brothers, Abbott and Costello, Jack Benny, Harry James, Marlene Dietrich, Gary Cooper, Kay Kyser, James Cagney, Clark Gable and dozens of others.

Theory Z

According to Ouchi, Theory Z management tends to promote stable employment, high productivity, and high employee morale and satisfaction.

Three Little Fishies

In Force of Habit, the 15h episode of the 1982-1983 television show Tales of the Gold Monkey, the main character, an ex Flying Tiger named Jake Cutter, played by Stephen Collins, sings the song in the middle of a storm to keep morale up in his plane.

Traditions of the United States Senate

This tradition, originally designed to be a morale-boosting gesture during the darkest hours of the American Civil War, began on February 22, 1862.

see also