Without an A or a B side, "Fatherhood/Motherhood" was the first complete piece of work that the band were happy to bequeath to the world, and was also be accompanied by a two-party diptych videos, accompanying the release on VHS tape.
Instead Stanley devoted time to motherhood, and in 2007 became an Ambassador for Rett New Zealand, an organisation to assist children and their families that suffer from Rett syndrome.
Set eighteen-months after "Forever Charmed", the sisters are now living happy demon free lives and have each entered into motherhood.
The CCC began in 1935 after one woman, writing under the pen name Ubique, wrote the following cry for help into the motherhood magazine the Nursery World.
In her book Eva go home she answered to the controversial claims on motherhood and family published by former TV presenter Eva Herman.
The company also distributes its Oh Baby by Motherhood collection through a licensed arrangement at over 1,100 Kohl's stores throughout the United States and on Kohls.com.
Along with Ramesh Kumar, he produced two volumes, Motherhood and Mental Illness, and Motherhood and Mental Illness, Causes and Consequences.
He has written an authored work on Motherhood and Mental Health (1996) and more recently self-published, under the name Eyry Press two other books – Menstrual Psychosis, and Eileithyia's Mischief, named for the ancient Greek goddess of childbirth and midwifery.
An embodiment of the post-Victorian independent woman, Forrester pursued her professional career both by choice and economic necessity, managing to balance it with motherhood and the raising of eight children born between 1901 and 1918.
Her first pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage, her second resulted in the birth of a daughter Nicole Ann Marone who was stillborn, and her final attempt at motherhood via surrogate Sandy Sommers (real name: Agnes Jones) resulted in a miscarriage after Sandy fell down a flight of stairs.
Dockray-Miller is the author of Motherhood and Mothering in Anglo-Saxon England (St. Martin's Press, 2000), which utilized postmodern gender theory (the work of Judith Butler, Luce Irigaray, and others) to reinvestigate historical elements, such as double houses and Anglo-Saxon religious women, and literature, including Beowulf.
A critical label introduced by essayist Philip Wylie in his 1942 collection A Generation of Vipers, referring to a perceived American cult of motherhood;
Motherhood By Choice, Not Chance is a 2004 documentary film directed by filmmaker, Dorothy Fadiman, which takes key moments from each of the three films from Fadiman's trilogy called, CHOICE: From the Back-Alleys to the Supreme Court & Beyond, by weaving together selected scenes and interviews.
"September 1981" chronicles Angela's downward trajectory, and the eerily parallel "Afterbirth" delineates Beth's own struggle with single motherhood after having gotten pregnant while prostituting herself at a Days Inn.
Especially influential were the writings of Lydia Maria Child, Catharine Maria Sedgwick, and Lydia Sigourney, who developed the role of republican motherhood as a principle that united state and family by equating a successful republic with virtuous families.
The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God is a liturgical feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary honoring her divine motherhood to Jesus Christ and the day that the birth of Jesus is publicly announced.
It has produced 5 world premieres including the musicals Song of Motherhood and Blind Lemon: Prince of Country Blues, and the plays Free Fall (with Sandy Duncan), Baptized to the Bone by Dave Johnson, and A Country Life, Producing Artistic Director Terry Martin’s southern adaptation of Anton Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya.
In particular, in protesting atmospheric nuclear testing, they emphasized that Strontium-90 from nuclear fallout was being found in mother's milk and commercially sold cow's milk, presenting their opposition to testing as a motherhood issue,4 what Katha Pollitt has called "a maternity-based logic for organizing against nuclear testing."6 As middle-class mothers, they were less vulnerable to the redbaiting that had held in check much radical activity in the United States since the McCarthy Era.4