
unusual facts about multiple organ failure


In March 2006, a PAREXEL-run trial on behalf of TeGenero, the now bankrupt German biotechnology firm, on its anti-inflammatory drug TGN1412 to treat rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis or leukaemia, unexpectedly caused severe inflammation and multiple organ failure in six healthy volunteers at a facility based at Northwick Park Hospital in London.

see also

Manuel Lozano Garrido

In December 2009 Pope Benedict XVI authorised the recognition of a miracle (attributed to Manuel's intercession) in the cure of two-year-old Rogelio de Haro Sagra in 1972; the child had suffered from multiple organ failure due to Gram-negative sepsis.

Marly de Oliveira

She was married to fellow Brazilian poet João Cabral de Melo Neto and she had two surviving daughters at the time of her death resulting from multiple organ failure.