
unusual facts about mutate


Alpha-thalassemia mental retardation syndrome

Females with this mutated gene have no specific signs or features, but may demonstrate skewed X chromosome inactivation.

Common cold

Vaccination has proved difficult as there are so many viruses involved and they mutate rapidly.


The Deviant Mutate version of Giganto was among the monsters who fought the Justice League in their search for the Ultimate Nullifier.

Knemidokoptes pilae

The viviparous females drill tunnels in the epidermis where they give birth to six-legged larvae, which mutate through two eight-legged nymphal stages from the second of which the adults molt.

Rozz Tox Manifesto

In Matt Howarth's comic Stalking Ralph, the musical group The Residents are portrayed as being created by a "Rozz Tox Virus", whose ultimate goal is to constantly mutate to avoid becoming part of mainstream culture.

Savage Land Mutates

Worm is a mutate who secretes mucus that allows him to override other living beings' motor and autonomic nervous functions after coating them with it.

see also