A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake (1944) by mythologist Joseph Campbell and Henry Morton Robinson is a work of literary criticism.
As with Lucas, Vogler was inspired by the writings of mythologist Joseph Campbell, particularly The Hero with a Thousand Faces.
Two years later, they settled in Carmel, California, where their friends and neighbors included photographer Edward Weston, poet Robinson Jeffers, philosopher/mythologist Joseph Campbell, dancer/choreographer Jean Erdman, nutritionist/author Adelle Davis, poet George Sterling, short story writer/poet Clark Ashton Smith, marine biologist/ecologist Ed Ricketts and novelists John Steinbeck and Henry Miller.
John and Caitlin Matthews (born 1948), British writer and mythologist with his wife Caitlin
Myths to Live By is a collection of essays, originally given as lectures at the Cooper Union Forum, by mythologist Joseph Campbell between 1958 and 1971.
Its first board of directors included these three as well as Unitarian Universalist theologian and parish minister, James Luther Adams; mythologist Joseph Campbell, principal developer of the merger forming the United Church of Christ, Truman B. Douglass; Congregationalist parish minister and theologian Amos Wilder, and Stanley Romaine Hopper, theologian and co-founder of the first Theology and Literature program in the United States.