
unusual facts about national library

National Library, Singapore

It moved to a separate Library and Museum Building in 1887 under the name of Raffles Library as part of the Raffles Museum, before moving to the Stamford Road premises in 1960 under the name of the National Library of Singapore.

Helen O'Rahilly

In 2010 she returned to Dublin to address the first "Women on Air" conference at the city's National Library, offering an insight into the television industry from a female perspective.

National Library of Serbia

The National Library of Serbia (NLS) (Serbian: Народна библиотека Србије / Narodna biblioteka Srbije) is the national library of Serbia, located in the city of Belgrade, (Vračar municipality).


SCONUL (Society of College, National and University Libraries) is the membership organisation for all academic and national libraries in the UK and Ireland.

University of Ljubljana

The National and University Library of Slovenia is the national library of Slovenia and the university library of the University of Ljubljana.

see also

Against the Odds

Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health, a 2008 exhibition at the United States National Library of Medicine

Antonio Roque Gobbo

His collectioon reached a peak or around 4800 items, and so he decided to create the "Biblioteca Nacional de Histórias em Quadrinhos"(National Library of Comic Books), which existed between 1987 and 1992 in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.


Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ), the National Library and Archives of Quebec, Canada

Betty Fabila

In 1962 at the Castle of Chapultepec in Mexico City, Fabila she gave the first modern performances of solo cantatas by the Italian baroque composer Giacomo Facco, whose scores had been discovered by her husband in the National Library of Paris.

Brenhinoedd y Saeson

P survives in a single medieval manuscript:
Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, MS. Peniarth 20, written c.1330, probably at the Cistercian abbey of Valle Crucis (Llanegwestl).

Brochtorff Circle

It was first discovered by John Otto Bayer in the 1820s and rediscovered in 1964 after Gozitan researcher Joe Attard Tabone examined a painting by Charles Brochtorff in the National Library in Valletta.

Clinical Care Classification System

Integrated in the Metathesaurus of the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and SNOMED CT

Edmund Bordeaux Szekely

When University of Lund theologian Per Beskow investigated Szekely's claims in Strange Tales About Jesus, both the Vatican and the National Library of Vienna denied that the original manuscripts existed.

Escape from Paradise

Its distribution in Singapore bookstores and in Singapore's National Library (NLB) was restricted by a threatened lawsuit by Helen Yeo, wife of former Singapore Cabinet Minister Yeo Cheow Tong.

Escape From Woomera

Escape From Woomera is archived for preservation by PANDORA the National Library of Australia's web archive.

Evan Jones

E. D. Jones (1903–1987), Librarian of the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth, 1958–1969

German National Library

In 1998 the German National Library and the German Research Foundation began a publicly funded project to digitise the “Jewish Periodicals in Nazi Germany” collection of approximately 30,000 pages, which were originally published between 1933 and 1943.


Wilber has relevance outside of GIMP as a racer in SuperTuxKart and was displayed on the Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France) as part of Project Blinkenlights.

Ian E. Wilson

With Roch Carrier, the then National Librarian, he developed and led the process to link the National Archive and National Library as a unified institution.

Iraq National Library and Archive

The origins of the National Library lie in the foundation of the Baghdad Peace Library, the Maktabat al-Salam, sometimes called the General Library, which was established in Baghdad in 1920, on the initiative of Muriel Jesse Forbes, with the assistance of Gertrude Bell, then Oriental Secretary to the British High Commissioner.

Karl Ernstberger

Their designs for the government building (Landtag) in Chernivtsi (Czernowitz) in Bukowina and for the National Library and Museum in Sofia, Bulgaria obtained awards.

Lester Basil Sinclair

Edward Duyker, "Sutherland: Towards a Literary Landscape", National Library of Australia News, vol.

National Archives of Australia

Dr Theodore Schellenberg, Director of Archival Management at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., visited Australia in 1954 on a Fulbright Scholarship and advocated the separation of Australia's national archives from the National Library.

National Archives of the Philippines

The Archives is currently headquartered in the National Library of the Philippines and maintains offices and facilities in Paco, Manila, Cebu, and Davao.

National Esperanto Library and Archive

The Esperanto National Library and Archive is the biggest Esperanto library in Italy, and one of the richest in the world; it is located in Massa, in northern Tuscany.

National Library of Indonesia

Under the national library, Indonesia began its own International Standard Book Number and Cataloging in Publication programs.

National Library of Mauritius

To ensure that access is given to the most comprehensive collection of Mauritiana materials, the National Library has to acquire all print and non-print materials published and printed abroad, whose subject matter is related to Mauritius.

Österreichischer Bibliothekenverbund

The Österreichischer Bibliothekenverbund (obv; English: "Austrian joint library system") is a catalogue and service collaboration for Austrian scientific and administrative libraries centered around the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library) and university libraries, among them the University of Vienna, the Technical University of Vienna, Graz University of Technology and the University of Innsbruck.

Porn Art Movement

Between 1980 and 1982, every Friday night The Gang performed at Rio’s main square known as Cinelândia, a vibrant and busy area surrounded by the Municipal Theatre, the National Library, the Rio de Janeiro City Council and the National Museum of Fine Arts.

Ricardo Rossel

As member of the Army Reserve Battalion, he was called on active duty and assigned to the Redoubt # 2 in Miraflores, confronting a ruthless enemy, and seeing with sadness and anger the looting and stealing of the books of the National Library by the Chilean forces.

Rue Spears

René Moawad Garden is located on the street and so is the National Library, National Radio Station, Ministry of Interior, Chamber of Commerce, Future Television studios and Helem center the middle-east's first gay rights organization.

Stanley Kamang Nganga

Stanley Kamanga Nganga born December 19, 1951 is a prominent Kenyan Librarian and former Director of the Kenya National Library Service.

The National Leader

The paper has been digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers Digitisation Program of the National Library of Australia with support from the State Library of Queensland.

Thomas William Herringshaw

According to the biographical sketch provided for his own National library of American biography, Herringshaw was born in Lincolnshire, England, and claimed descent from the Heronshaw family of Boston, Lincolnshire.

Turin-Milan Hours

Most of this part of the work, the prayer-book section, known as the Turin Hours, belonged by 1479 to the House of Savoy, later Kings of Piedmont (and subsequently Italy), who gave it in 1720 to the National Library in Turin.