
unusual facts about natural hybrid

Kolopis River

An area adjacent to the upper Kolopis River is home to a number of pitcher plants of the genus Nepenthes, including N. edwardsiana, N. rajah, and N. villosa, as well as two natural hybrids involving these species (N. × harryana and N. × kinabaluensis).

Nepenthes izumiae

In the wild, N. izumiae is known to form natural hybrids with N. dubia and N. jacquelineae.

Nepenthes robcantleyi

Given the small number of specimens originally observed by Cantley, there has been some speculation that N. robcantleyi may represent an F1 natural hybrid.

Ornithoptera allotei

allotei was described by Rothschild in 1914 as a species, despite the assertion by its discoverer, Abbé Allotte, a priest at the Buin Mission, Bougainville Island, that it was a natural hybrid.

see also

Syringa vulgaris

--no italics for hybrid symbol ×-->, the finer, smaller "Persian lilac", now considered a natural hybrid — were introduced into European gardens at the end of the sixteenth century, from Ottoman gardens, not through botanists exploring the Balkan habitats of S. vulgaris.