
unusual facts about nature preserve

Summit Lake State Park

Zeigler Woods Nature Preserve, at the southwest corner of the park, is Henry County's only dedicated nature preserve.

see also

Caroline Dormon

Natchitoches attorney and philanthropist Arthur C. Watson organized the Foundation for the Preservation of the Caroline Dormon Nature Preserve and served as its treasurer until his death in 1984.

Flag Pond

Flag Ponds Nature Park, a nature preserve located in St. Leonard, Maryland

Jeremy Harris

He built the Marine Education Center at the Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, continued the Waikiki Revitalization project started by Mayor Fasi that changed the look of Waikiki's main thoroughfares, Queen's Surf Beach, Kuhio Beach, Kapiolani Park Bandstand, established torchlighting ceremonies and hula performances every night at Waikiki and started Brunch on the Beach.

Lake Catherine

Lake Katharine State Nature Preserve, a nature preserve in Jackson County, Ohio, United States

Neale Woods

Neale Woods is a nature preserve nearly 600 acres in size in North Omaha, Nebraska.

Reynolds Nature Preserve

Robert T.S. Huie was believed to have purchased the property that is now the Reynolds Nature Preserve around the time of the Civil War.

Tabin Wildlife Reserve

Tabin Wildlife Refuge is a nature preserve in Sabah, eastern Malaysia, on the island of Borneo.

Tuscarora Formation

The Nelson Rocks Preserve, located near Circleville, West Virginia, is a privately owned and operated nature preserve dedicated to preserving Nelson Rocks and the surrounding environment as a cultural, educational, and recreational resource.