
unusual facts about naval engagement

Battle of Cape Rachado

The Battle of Cape Rachado, off the present day Malaccan exclave of Tanjung Tuan in 1606, was an important naval engagement between the Dutch Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie and Portuguese fleets.

see also

Action of 19 December 1796

The Action of 19 December of 1796 was a minor naval engagement of the French Revolutionary Wars, fought off the coast of Murcia between a small squadron of two British frigates under Commodore Horatio Nelson and a small squadron of two Spanish frigates under Commodore Don Jacobo Stuart, who was descendent of the British royal house of Stuart.

Battle of Manzanillo

Second Battle of Manzanillo, a naval engagement of the Spanish American War on July 1, 1898 involving two different American gunboats

Third Battle of Manzanillo, a large and decisive naval engagement of the Spanish American War on July 18, 1898

François-Gabriel D'Angeac

His squadron was defeated on 8 July 1760 by Captain John Byron's British naval squadron, the last naval engagement of New France.

Hook and Cod wars

Edward III of England, Margaret's brother in law through her sister Philippa of Hainault, came to her aid, winning a naval engagement off Veere in 1351.

Jacob Quaeckernaeck

He died however in a naval engagement where Matelief destroyed half of the Portuguese armada near Malacca, on September 21, 1606.

Pedro Gilbert

Gilbert was eventually captured in West Africa two years later when his ship was sunk in a naval engagement with the British brig sloop HMS Curlew, commanded by Henry Dundas Trotter.

The Battle of the Kearsarge and the Alabama

The painting commemorates the Battle of Cherbourg of 1864, a naval engagement between the Union cruiser USS Kearsarge and the rebel privateer CSS Alabama.