
unusual facts about news conference

India's Great Driving Challenge

After a series of tasks and evaluations, a press conference will be held where the three finalists will be announced to the media in the presence of representatives of the organisers, facilitators and jury members.

2008 Times Square bombing

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly and Federal Bureau of Investigation officials appeared later in the morning in a joint news conference.

Shareef Abdur-Rahim

On August 4, 2005, though the news conference was planned to announce the postponement of his arrival, it was revealed that he failed a required physical due to scar tissue found in his knee.

see also

2005 New York City transit strike

At a news conference on the evening of December 27, 2005, Roger Toussaint announced an agreement with the MTA calling for no change in the pension, 3%, 4%, and 3.5% annual salary increases for the next three years respectively plus a 1.5% of salary cost to workers to help defray health care costs.

2006 Oaxaca protests

On Monday, December 4, hours after he said at a news conference in Mexico City that he had gone to the capital to negotiate a peaceful solution, Flavio Sosa was arrested by police on charges related to the barricades, vandalism and irregular detentions carried out by some protesters.

Anna Pou case

State Attorney General Charles Foti announced the arrests the next day, at a widely televised news conference.

Arnaldo Otegi

In November 2005, Otegi was sentenced to a year in prison, on charges of slander against King Juan Carlos during a 2003 news conference.

Brian Tobin

Later that month, Tobin conducted an international news conference from a barge on the East River outside the United Nations headquarters and dramatically displayed an illegal, under Canadian Law, trawl net that had allegedly been cut from a Spanish trawler which was arrested outside the Canadian EEZ, on international waters.

Cape Wind

On April 28, 2010, at a news conference in the Massachusetts Statehouse alongside governor Deval Patrick, a supporter of the project, Secretary Salazar announced "I am approving the Cape Wind project."

Ceratitis capitata

In response to such concerns, Brown's chief of staff, B. T. Collins, staged a news conference during which he publicly drank a small glass of malathion.

Dave McGinnis

In an attempt to save face, the Bears postponed the news conference and issued a personal apology to McGinnis from the patriarch of Bears ownership, Ed McCaskey.

Inés Gómez Mont

Gomez Mont gained notoriety in the English speaking world when, at the Super Bowl Media Day for Super Bowl XLII, she attended a news conference with New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady wearing a revealing wedding dress and pleaded with Brady to marry her.

Inkatha Freedom Party

Mangosuthu Buthelezi and KaMagwaza-Msibi hosted the party's final pre-election news conference on Tuesday, 14 April, at Northwood Crusaders Sports Club, Durban North, where they adumbrated their ten-point plan for the party's first 100 days back in provincial power.

Karine A Affair

Lieutenant General Shaul Mofaz, chief of staff of the Israeli Army, announced in a Tel Aviv news conference on January 4 that the army had seized the ship while General Anthony Zinni was meeting with Yasser Arafat to promote negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Kunio Hatoyama

In October 2007, during a news conference, Hatoyama attempted to justify plans to fingerprint and photograph all foreigners at immigration by claiming that an unidentified "friend of a friend", who is an Al-Qaeda terrorist involved in the October 2002 bombing in Bali, was able to sneak in and out of Japan repeatedly over the following years using different passports and wearing a fake moustache.

Marion Stamps

In 1994, Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley skipped a news conference on job creation; fearing facing her.


Stanislav Markelov (1974–2009), Russian human rights lawyer shot dead when leaving news conference in Moscow

Mary Tillotson

Early on the morning of the news conference, August 11, 1992, editors at CNN's Atlanta headquarters faxed Tillotson who was working with other reporters at the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, a copy of the New York Post story alleging Bush's extramarital affair.

After the news conference, Tillotson joined the presidential motorcade for a ride to Air Force One and its return flight to Washington.

Northern Wedding

Vice Admiral Wesley L. McDonald, Commander, Second Fleet, gave a news conference to a group of U.S. and international journalists in the carrier’s ‘War Room’ on the 9th, describing in some detail the significance of the exercise – normally held every four years – in preparing the allies to resist a Soviet-led attack against the West.

Presidency of Hamid Karzai

At a news conference with the Belgian prime minister Leterme he also announced that he planned to create a ministry to fight illiteracy, and that he intended to nominate a woman to head it.

Star Trek: The Experience

Mayor Oscar Goodman stated in a news conference on October 16, 2008 that a possible deal was being negotiated between CBS and Rohit Joshi, developer of the Neonopolis Mall.

United States resolution on Armenian Genocide

"The Armenian Genocide resolution is a proper test for American democracy. It will uncover priorities of the United States – good relations with Turkey or historical truth", Russian State Duma member, Konstantin Zatulin told a news conference in Yerevan on 21 October 2007.