
unusual facts about nourishment


Antoine-Augustin Parmentier

His prison experience came to mind in 1772 when he proposed (in a contest sponsored by the Academy of Besançon) use of the potato as a source of nourishment for dysenteric patients.

Autoimmune gastrointestinal dysmotility

Parenteral nutrition is when the patient is feed VIA a permanent IV and the liquid nourishment is infused directly in the blood stream, verses a feeding tube.

Fanny Deakin

Fanny Deakin (1883–1968) was a politician from Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, England, noted for her campaigns for better nourishment of young children and maternity care for mothers.

Glossary of plant morphology

Parasitic – using another plant as a source of nourishment.

Metroid Fusion

The vaccine cures Samus and not only gives her the ability to absorb and use the nuclei of X Parasites for nourishment (the Metroids were the main predators of the X prior to their extermination by Samus on SR388), but also the Metroid's vulnerability to extremely cold temperatures.


Matsumura also states, Nemuri Neko "Sleeping Cat symbolizes Nikkō or the Spirit of Ieyasu, who was thought to be the manifestation of Yakusi Nyorai", the Buddha of Healing, who offers medicinal remedies, gives nourishment to the mind, body, and spirit, and comforts the sick and cures illnesses.

Presencia de América Latina

From her surge American corn and Old World wheat, nourishment that sustains the bases of industrialization, technology and science, represented as an intricate steel machine on the upper part of the panel.

see also